We are stymied, in a way, by the limited nature of the public conversation about sexual assault and harassment in the workplace. Yes, stymied. Yes, limited. BUT IT'S A START. No doubt about it; a big start. Everything which has opened this subject up started to boil with the 2016 presidential election. Yes, that can actually be seen as a dark (very dark) catalyst for change.
The way through this has to do with how WIDE this conversation becomes. Quoting SNL: This BEEN the damn world. #MeToo for millennia. Power has always been gained over women by assault and harassment. Political power over women, armies invade and assault, assault happens at home, in the streets, women do not have equality, nor did we ever get to "take back the night."
But despite all of this reality, our way through, indeed humanity's way through, will be when we can speak of all of it, in public, out loud, hear each other, heal ourselves and start to heal the world, through one small space for ourselves, for our world ... through one small space at a time. We will do this. The small spaces are in front of us begging us to see our way through.
Free Workshop/Forum Time To Heal From #SexualAssault #SexualHarassment January 27 4-6pm @foodcoop Brooklyn, NY
All the info is here: http://bit.ly/2FzMjlk