Sensho Wagg
Sensho Wagg
musician, artist, certified transformation coach, daojin (person of the way)

Create real, perfect artwork all your own

One of a kind

Each of us has the complete capacity and talent to create authentic artwork in any medium we choose.  

We are each unique in the universe, now and forever.

We each contain everything it takes to express ourself and create completely new.

To express ourself in this way requires feeling without a filter. Our usual filter is the linear, sequential thought pattern which runs through our minds most every moment of the day and even at night.

Once we see how to really feel something without the mind chatter, (or through it), we can understand by intuition what and

how we will

express ourself

We can make art without separating ourself from anything. Directly. Sometimes called intimately (no separation).

This is our heritage and our destiny as beings.

We can do this right now.





Feel directly

and express

through your artwork




What we do together:

Creating artwork of your own intimately (with no separation from yourself) is a way of living, one moment at a time. When we look at how to chose and use a medium which appeals to you, I look for that spontaneous link to what feels to you like “you.”

We explore your direction and practice just simply using your medium to express what you’re feeling. I can give feedback as a “Creative Audience,” without judgment or comparison. Repeat. Enjoy.

Together we go on a journey of discovery of the medium which appeals to you and expresses you most, and continue seeking validation that you are getting closer and closer to expressing precisely what you feel. It may take a while or you may be just on the edge of discovering your closest connection to your heart.

We have a free Discovery 1 hour session to see if it’s right for you. If it is, typically we meet in person or zoom every other week for an hour, with check-in for accountability in between. We make an agreement on how many sessions to begin with, duration of our agreement, costs, and long term goals you are seeking. All in the confidential and trustworthy space of our meetings.


Deeply see your artwork medium and come into sync with your heart

Create !




XXXXX...You are the trail blazer, with the coach acting as a gentle (or fierce) guide.  The coach picks up on cues which you may or may not be aware of, and helps you in a process of transforming your life to embody in your mind and spirit what you truly desire.


Only you can decide what you want, where you wish to go during your coaching sessions and where you wish to end up at the end of each session. And only you can feel whether you are going in the direction(s) which are truly authentic for you and resonate 100%. It is completely up to you to decide what to talk about, work on, when to change direction and when you have accomplished what you want.


A co-created celebration during the last session is planned between us, whenever you feel the last session is coming up. This can be a temporary pause or have some permanency. The sessions can resume at any time.XXXXX


Is it time to create past and through any barrier? 


