Winter is waning; there are seeds everywhere !

Considering the anguish of Parkland, then seeing the power, the largess of the courage of the kids. 

The Kids ! 

They tell the greedy and the ignorant adults what to do.  "Just do it," they say.  YES.  They have the moral authority, no matter their age, or maybe because of it, to demand and speak Truth to Power.  Wow.  Inspiring. 

I see it in their faces, and hear their clear voices.  Claiming the Future, and the Present, and preserving the Past as the love that gives them strength. 


Join Us to speak Our Truth.  All of it.  Whatever we want to.  From.MeToo.WeRise !

The next forum is @food coop Saturday, March 17, 4-6PM, free event, all the info:

The next Healing To Love workshop is at BLP Saturday, March 10, 3:30-5:30, free event.  A way to gently look at what you need in order to change what you need to in your life.  all the info:

Sensho Wagg